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Tack för att ni kollar!
2. Klicka på Konto>Säkerhetsinställningar

3. Klicka på hantera blockning
4. Se bild:

Tack för att ni kollar!

Justin dålig i skolan:P
According to an article on, Justin has decided not to
go to college not because of his career, but because he didnt like
school in the first place. Justin stated, "There were a lot of teachers
that were mean to me... teachers were mean to me, if you can believe
it." When asked why they were mean to him, Justin replied, "Because
I was a bad kid...I just talked a lot in class."

go to college not because of his career, but because he didnt like
school in the first place. Justin stated, "There were a lot of teachers
that were mean to me... teachers were mean to me, if you can believe
it." When asked why they were mean to him, Justin replied, "Because
I was a bad kid...I just talked a lot in class."

.. ?
HAR INGET ATT SKRIVA OM.. Mamma är i Egypten, en kompis fyllde år igår..
Min brosha fyllde 12 i tisdags;) Var i stallet igår:D♥

Jag och Isa på en utflykt.. BLÖTA
Min brosha fyllde 12 i tisdags;) Var i stallet igår:D♥

Jag och Isa på en utflykt.. BLÖTA